This image is organic vertical lines which are all parallel lines. This is the main focus of the image as it takes up the entire space; there is no background or foreground. This can represent growth especially as they are growing trees. This image is very organised so it's quite easy to view because of the order.
This is a man made example of curved lines. It is a continuous spiral that draws attention to the center of the spiral. I really like the different tones, caused by shadows, create an effect on the curves. I also like how the line appears to get closer together as it gets towards the center focus point.
This image also focuses on use and effect of man made lines. I really like the use of different kinds of lines and the effect this gives. The photo uses leading lines to take our attention to the center focus point of the picture. There are also curved lines that spread out from the focus point.
This image uses man made curved and straight lines. However it's in a non regular arrangement and looks quite distorted. For some this will not be appealing. However I find it looks abstract and very interesting.
In several of these images you could use more photographic/visual terminologies e.g. leading line, perspective and pattern... (More often)