Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Movement Definiton Post

Official definition:
An act of moving.

In relation to photography:
Photographs, by definition, capture and immortalize a small slice of life. There is little for the viewer to infer what happens before or after that moment. However, there are images that need to communicate motion. For example, you may want to capture a dog running, a train barreling down the tracks, or trees that are blowing in the wind. Each of these scenes can come alive within your photographs if you learn how to convey motion properly.

My interpretation:
I think that movement in photography is all about capturing a motion in one frame. I think one done correctly it can be quite an abstract and powerful idea. This is because the human eye doesn't see movement in a stand still like a picture does as it is one picture of multiple frames that capture one idea and movement.

Here are some examples of movement pictures:

1 comment:

  1. please add to your definition posts, freeze frame, panning and motion blur..
