Thursday, 5 November 2015

Movement Image Bank

I liked this image because I liked how the bright red light path contrasts on the dark background. This creates a very distinct pattern. I also like the actual pattern the light creates because while it's quite simple, its not to basic and there's still some complexity about it and because the whole path is made up of smooth curves, it's quite easy to follow. 
I liked this image as the movement is not caused by the content of the image but the way in which the picture was taken as the photographer was clearly in fast motion while going through this tunnel then capturing a frame which distorts the view and focus of the picture creating this effect. I also like how this way of capturing creates alternating light tones along the tunnel and this creates a sense of direction and depth in the image, almost like we are in the tunnel and following this path just by looking at the photo.
I like in this image how we can see that the girl is turning and her skirt is moving as she turns around and is moving in that circular motion around her. I like how the floor also seems to be travelling in this circular direction along with the skirt. I also like how the depth of the photo allows the focus to be on the girls face which has a nice effect as she is the center of the outward movement in a circular motion.

I really liked this image as its all in focus besides the hand which is strumming the guitar. I like how this captures the real life essence of playing the guitar as that would be the hand that moves while playing. I also like the preciseness of the shot as the rest of the image is in a really steady frame and it's just the hand that shows the movement in the picture.
I liked how this picture has captured a very precise moment in time where the bird is flying up causing the water to splash up. I think how the water is splashed up around the bird really shows a movement as due to gravity, water couldn't stand and stay like that therefore this picture shows the water in way we wouldn't normally see it very a long enough period of time.

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